Thursday, August 6, 2009

Face Bags

The Onion recently reported on a new line of fast food products where the consumer eats his/her meal by strapping a bag of pulverized food to his/her face.

If you aren't already aware, the Onion is a satirical "news" station (originally just a paper) that writes fake stories for entertainment. The thing is, I can guarantee you a think tank in the US has considered this a viable marketing option. If ever rising obesity rates are any indication, I can see us getting to this point (are we already there?) more quickly than I'd like to admit.

This problem goes well beyond food, it involves laziness in general. If society thinks something is too hard, too time consuming, or not immediate enough, someone will create a solution and capitalize on it. The question is, where is the line drawn? When we're the floating blob people from Wall-E? When do responsible marketers and inventors need to say, "You know what? I don't need a robot to zoom around my house and vacuum my floors,"? Just something for everyone in such positions to think about.

When do you consider our well being over your pocketbook?

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