Friday, August 7, 2009


I recently discovered the YouTube video Everyday. You may have seen it used or reproduced in car commercials before, though I can't for the life of me imagine why. It's taking something very personal, the aging of a single man, and twisting it into a cheap ad. I'm not sure why car companies feel the need to tug heartstrings when showing their commercials, considering the majority of feeling you get in a vehicle is frustration from rush hour traffic.

Anyway, I thought the video was amazing. Following to his site, I looked at the most recent photos he's taken over the last three years. Apparently, Kalina plans on continuing the pictures until the day he dies, uploading a new video on the tenth anniversary and every five years following. Assuming he lives a life free of fatal accidents, this will be a truly inspiring piece of work. Already, even after a mere nine years, it's an astounding piece. To see someone age with the same gradation we would see from friends and family makes the viewer feel like they've always known Kalina, and knowing he's actually a stranger makes it all the more interesting. If you've never heard of it before, even if you have, check him out.

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