Friday, October 2, 2009

Multiple Presenters

Got more than one presenter? Get thee hence to separate locations where you can each use a land line phone with a headset. If that’s the only thing you get from this blog, then my work here is done.

Since you paid attention, you are now co-presenting with someone in a different physical location. Get together and check each other's audio quality as you practice your presentation. Then, just before the event starts, have a third party give input on your sound levels. You want both voices to be at similar volume. Maybe one of you backs off your microphone a wee bit to keep the levels balanced. Then stay put.

If you must sit in a conference room together, do your sound checks for volume levels. Not everyone talks at the same volume and level of projection. Move the speaker phone so you get similar levels from each speaker while still maintaining quality sound. This is easier to accomplish around a round table instead of an oblong table unless you have a sophisticated conferencing room with precision setups that will accommodate multiple conferencing requirements.

You might have to snuggle up a bit to make sure that everyone is heard or consider playing musical chairs moving the louder speakers further away from the speakerphone. Keep the speakerphone as far away from the overhead projector as you can. I understand, that is sometimes impossible when you are trying to keep the speaker phone in the middle of a table and once again I say unto you...Get thee hence to separate locations where you can each use an old reliable land line phone with a headset. Who knew this could be a subject that would wax biblical? The beauty of web conferencing technology is that we don't have to be all in the same location. So enjoy that freedom.

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